Have you ever been at a place of deep hunger... for the Lord? A place that requires Him and Him alone to satisfy? I am there. You see, I am a pretty faithful Bible reader and I pray daily. I try to live a life of service and conduct myself in a "manner worthy of the calling." But, I have never been able to stay satisfied for long. I firmly believe there is more. The God who created this Universe is vast, deep, unfathomable. Gracie came home from school this week singing Chris Tomlin's "Indescribable." That is how I feel about our God, so even though He is ENOUGH, I still want MORE of HIM! It's the "vine and branches" concept of needing Him continually to get through each day. I cannot have a loose connection, but must be firmly attached.
What does that look like? I believe He is calling me to flee from distractions - anything that would hinder closeness and connection first with Him and then with those around me. A dear friend gave me Lisa Bevere's book, Lioness Arising to read. It is challenging me and causing me to reflect and more importantly respond to God in my life right now. Lisa quotes 2 Peter 3:1 from the Message, "Hold your minds in a state of undistracted attention." The Lord showed me something a while back. There is only one thing I can take with me when I die - People! The only thing I will see in Heaven one day are the people from earth who have given their lives in return for Christ's! Now, more than ever before, God is calling me / us to live undistracted by the world and at full attention to what He is doing around us. Opportunities abound...
How am I responding to this knowledge?