Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A journal entry

During Christmas vacation, I read a little book, entitled "Tuesdays with Morrie." It was given to me a year before I actually read it. That is the way with me and books. Beware loaning them to me as it might be a while before you see it again! Once I actually read it, I was finished in two nights. The truth is, I believe the Lord put that book in my hands for a reason. It is a true story written by a man who spent every Tuesday by the bedside of his former college professor prior to Lou Geherigs disease taking his life. The lessons are indispensible. The thought of a man faced with eternity, giving of himself to the very end, was a sobering thought. Not unlike that of Jesus Christ, ministering, teaching and sharing with His disciples until the very day He was hung on the cross. Death puts much in perspective. We are not to fear it, but rather to live everyday. Morrie spoke to his former student about how coming to peace with your own death allows you to truly appreciate life. So true. As believers, we are not to fear death, but to live and to live abundantly here on this earth but with eternity in mind.